Website Rewrite
written on 2024-08-17
You may have noticed that this website looks... a little different (that is a massive understatement: old version). Well, it's because I completely rewrote it (and added this fabulous blog). Why? The old one was extremely difficult to maintain. Every time I wanted to add a new page, I had to edit all the other page's navigation manually. Another reason for the rewrite is this blog itself. When I tried to make a blog with the old site, the text never went where I wanted it to go, so I had to put in extra effort to make the text look good. I guess beer css and 11ty don't work well together. So, I decided to rewrite the website entirely using 11ty (originally, I only used 11ty for the blog). 11ty solves almost all of my problems. It has templates (called layouts) so I don't have to copy and paste previous pages to save the navigation. And, now, I can edit one file to update the navigation on all pages. 11ty also has support for (and was originally intended to be used for) blogs (like this one). I also replaced beer css with sakura css. Sakura css is a classless css framework, meaning you don't have to use classes to style your website, but instead use semantic html instead. Sakura css seems to be more accessible due to the more simple web structure and due to requiring semantic html (which works better for certain accessibility software). And it also functions better with 11ty.
If you have any feedback, please email me.